Status Completed
Type Eroge
Rance VI – Zeth Houkai –
Judul Alternatif ランス6 -ゼス崩壊-, Rance 6 - Collapse of Zeth
Sinopsis Rance VI – Zeth Houkai –
Set in the year LP0004, Rance and Sill travel to the Magic Kingdom of Zeth because they ran out of money once more. However, after offending a high-ranked minister and magic user named Radon, Rance is ironically thrown into the slave camp while his magic-using slave Sill is treated as a VIP.Vowing vengeance, he eventually escapes with the help of an underground resistance group called Ice Flame. Currently Zeth is an extremely un-equal country, with magic users being the only real citizens and the non-magic users treated much like slaves with virtually no rights. Only groups like Ice Flame and the more violent and extreme group known as Pentagon, and perhaps the mysterious King of Zeth try to fight this cruel status quo.Rance joins the group in order to get his revenge against the mages of the government of Zeth, and be reunited with Sill "while he's at it". [From the AliceSoft Wiki]
Author -
Group Alice Soft
Artist ChomoyamaMonster girls
SerializationWikipedia (en), Wikipedia (ja), Wikidata, VNStat
Created Date
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